"Speed" Running Indoor Event.

  • Спринт и средние дистанции
Today I'm the speed. I'm ready to hit the start line and thrill of the competition fills me. The competitors are beside me but I won’t let them get ahead of me. Not today. The only thing I want is to win.

April Run

  • 5 км
You've been waiting to take a deep spring breath in your running outfit. You can’t wait to run your first 5 km race through the city and see your running buddies and spectators. A smile spreads across their face — that’s what you look forward to every single year. The spring starts with you.

Fast Dog Cross Country

  • 2 км
The more paws, the better the day! The more runners, the more smiles and wet dog noses. Let’s celebrate friendship together.
Registration later

Fox Hill Cross Country

  • 2-8 км • эстафета
A lazy day off in the city? That doesn’t sound like you. You are surrounded by nature. Cross-country trails and fresh air are waiting for you. A classic race that is full of surprises. What’s it gonna be this time?
Registration later

Kids run

  • 400 м • 800 м
Фановые забеги для детей от 4 до 13 лет, которые проводятся накануне крупнейших соревнований.
Registration later

Moscow Half Marathon

  • 21,1 км • 5 км • корпоративная эстафета
Start your race. You've been preparing for this for months — don’t forget that. You are concentrated. Your inner voice keeps you focused and reminds you of your goal. Listen to it. Run.

Kids run

  • 60 м
Фановые забеги для детей от 4 до 13 лет в рамках соревнований на стадионе.
Registration later

"Speed" Running Event.

  • Спринт и средние дистанции
Today I'm the speed. I'm ready to hit the start line and thrill of the competition fills me. The competitors are beside me but I won’t let them get ahead of me. Not today. The only thing I want is to win.
Registration later

Color Run

  • 5 км
Friends, paints, laughter and, running, of course. That’s the vibrant atmosphere we are all excited about! Each kilometer is more and more colorful. Don't stress about running — it is all about joy today.
Registration later

Night Run

  • 10 км
Don’t close your eyes, even though it’s night: the fastest race of the year is coming. Start your race, speed up and cross the avenues with those who light up the city tonight. Maximize your potential!
Registration later

White Nights Marathon

  • 42 км • 10 км • Эстафета
Look — magic is everywhere! The city is changing. It’s time to slow down and enjoy the endless sunset along with the ever-changing sky. Run your special race in the special city. Fall in love with Saint Petersburg all over again.

Kids run

  • 400 м • 800 м
Фановые забеги для детей от 4 до 13 лет, которые проводятся накануне крупнейших соревнований.
Registration later

SPB Half Marathon. The Northern Capital

  • 21,1 км • 10 км • эстафета
The city and the distance you can’t help but fall in love with. Today you have a date with Saint Petersburg. The city is going to be your guide, your poet, your moving spirit. Enjoy the breathtaking sights of a route alongside the Neva river, breathe in the northern air and admire the beauty of those streets. Run and listen to your heart whispering “you found your other half”.

Kids run

  • 400 м • 800 м
Фановые забеги для детей от 4 до 13 лет, которые проводятся накануне крупнейших соревнований.
Registration later

Luzhniki Half Marathon

  • 21,1 км • эстафета
Luzhniki is the center of iconic victories and sporting hopes, large-scale competitions and legendary events. The center is full of history. Imagine your accomplishments becoming a part of it! Start your race as an amateur, finish it as a champion!
Registration later

Kids run

  • 400 м • 800 м
Фановые забеги для детей от 4 до 13 лет, которые проводятся накануне крупнейших соревнований.
Registration later

Moscow Marathon

  • 42,2 км •10 км • корпоративная эстафета
You are a part of the biggest running event of the country.
You've been through months of training and dozens of races. Your body is ready. Your mind is clear. Your dream is about to come true. The whole city supports you. Your reward is a medal and the awe of thousands of spectators. You are the winner. You have done what most people only dream of - you’re running the Moscow Marathon!
Registration later

Fast Dog Cross Country

  • 2 км
The more paws, the better the day! The more runners, the more smiles and wet dog noses. Let’s celebrate friendship together.
Registration later

Fox Hill Cross Country

  • 2–8 км • эстафета
A lazy day off in the city? That doesn’t sound like you. You are surrounded by nature. Cross-country trails and fresh air are waiting for you. A classic race that is full of surprises. What’s it gonna be this time?
Registration later

Krylatskiy Trail

  • 8 км • 4 км
Noisy Moscow and peaceful nature. Cold air and hot breath. Speedy downhills and exhausting uphills. Up and down. Over and over again. Push yourself to the limit.
Registration later

"Speed" Running Indoor Event

  • Спринт и средние дистанции
Today I'm the speed. I'm ready to hit the start line and thrill of the competition fills me. The competitors are beside me but I won’t let them get ahead of me. Not today. The only thing I want is to win.
Registration later

"Speed" Running Indoor Event.

  • Спринт и средние дистанции
Today I'm the speed. I'm ready to hit the start line and thrill of the competition fills me. The competitors are beside me but I won’t let them get ahead of me. Not today. The only thing I want is to win.

April Run

  • 5 км
You've been waiting to take a deep spring breath in your running outfit. You can’t wait to run your first 5 km race through the city and see your running buddies and spectators. A smile spreads across their face — that’s what you look forward to every single year. The spring starts with you.

Fast Dog Cross Country

  • 2 км
The more paws, the better the day! The more runners, the more smiles and wet dog noses. Let’s celebrate friendship together.
Registration later

Fox Hill Cross Country

  • 2-8 км • эстафета
A lazy day off in the city? That doesn’t sound like you. You are surrounded by nature. Cross-country trails and fresh air are waiting for you. A classic race that is full of surprises. What’s it gonna be this time?
Registration later

Kids run

  • 400 м • 800 м
Фановые забеги для детей от 4 до 13 лет, которые проводятся накануне крупнейших соревнований.
Registration later

Moscow Half Marathon

  • 21,1 км • 5 км • корпоративная эстафета
Start your race. You've been preparing for this for months — don’t forget that. You are concentrated. Your inner voice keeps you focused and reminds you of your goal. Listen to it. Run.

Kids run

  • 60 м
Фановые забеги для детей от 4 до 13 лет в рамках соревнований на стадионе.
Registration later

"Speed" Running Event.

  • Спринт и средние дистанции
Today I'm the speed. I'm ready to hit the start line and thrill of the competition fills me. The competitors are beside me but I won’t let them get ahead of me. Not today. The only thing I want is to win.
Registration later

Color Run

  • 5 км
Friends, paints, laughter and, running, of course. That’s the vibrant atmosphere we are all excited about! Each kilometer is more and more colorful. Don't stress about running — it is all about joy today.
Registration later

Night Run

  • 10 км
Don’t close your eyes, even though it’s night: the fastest race of the year is coming. Start your race, speed up and cross the avenues with those who light up the city tonight. Maximize your potential!
Registration later

White Nights Marathon

  • 42 км • 10 км • Эстафета
Look — magic is everywhere! The city is changing. It’s time to slow down and enjoy the endless sunset along with the ever-changing sky. Run your special race in the special city. Fall in love with Saint Petersburg all over again.

Kids run

  • 400 м • 800 м
Фановые забеги для детей от 4 до 13 лет, которые проводятся накануне крупнейших соревнований.
Registration later

SPB Half Marathon. The Northern Capital

  • 21,1 км • 10 км • эстафета
The city and the distance you can’t help but fall in love with. Today you have a date with Saint Petersburg. The city is going to be your guide, your poet, your moving spirit. Enjoy the breathtaking sights of a route alongside the Neva river, breathe in the northern air and admire the beauty of those streets. Run and listen to your heart whispering “you found your other half”.

Kids run

  • 400 м • 800 м
Фановые забеги для детей от 4 до 13 лет, которые проводятся накануне крупнейших соревнований.
Registration later

Luzhniki Half Marathon

  • 21,1 км • эстафета
Luzhniki is the center of iconic victories and sporting hopes, large-scale competitions and legendary events. The center is full of history. Imagine your accomplishments becoming a part of it! Start your race as an amateur, finish it as a champion!
Registration later

Kids run

  • 400 м • 800 м
Фановые забеги для детей от 4 до 13 лет, которые проводятся накануне крупнейших соревнований.
Registration later

Moscow Marathon

  • 42,2 км •10 км • корпоративная эстафета
You are a part of the biggest running event of the country.
You've been through months of training and dozens of races. Your body is ready. Your mind is clear. Your dream is about to come true. The whole city supports you. Your reward is a medal and the awe of thousands of spectators. You are the winner. You have done what most people only dream of - you’re running the Moscow Marathon!
Registration later

Fast Dog Cross Country

  • 2 км
The more paws, the better the day! The more runners, the more smiles and wet dog noses. Let’s celebrate friendship together.
Registration later

Fox Hill Cross Country

  • 2–8 км • эстафета
A lazy day off in the city? That doesn’t sound like you. You are surrounded by nature. Cross-country trails and fresh air are waiting for you. A classic race that is full of surprises. What’s it gonna be this time?
Registration later

Krylatskiy Trail

  • 8 км • 4 км
Noisy Moscow and peaceful nature. Cold air and hot breath. Speedy downhills and exhausting uphills. Up and down. Over and over again. Push yourself to the limit.
Registration later

"Speed" Running Indoor Event

  • Спринт и средние дистанции
Today I'm the speed. I'm ready to hit the start line and thrill of the competition fills me. The competitors are beside me but I won’t let them get ahead of me. Not today. The only thing I want is to win.
Registration later